Sunday, January 2, 2011

Celebrating the Yuletide Season

"The real essence of Christmas is not all about rejoicing and merry making. Hence, it is all about the joy of giving, spreading the love and learning how to forgive and forget. "

Christmas has again come and soon it shall end. But do we really know its real essence? Often times I wonder what Christmas really means because I know there's more to it than just fireworks and noche buena. These things may bring us joy and glee, but can we really find true happiness? I think not.

We love to make fun and shop during this season. But when we try to look around, there are people who needs the money we harshly spend with such useless things more. When I give money to those who I think needs my help, my heart melts and I feel a tickling feeling inside, the sense of fulfillment and happiness. As they said, it is better to give than to receive.

Another is spending quality time with family and friends. Christmas wouldn't be complete without their presence. I am lucky enough to have a very supportive family and ultra caring friends.

I just hope everyone will ponder on this. I hope that everyone will finally see the true meaning of Christmas.


  1. I like your post armani .........KUNING!!!!!
    ...Cez you are really good in english...
    Presumably some of the words you used are not familiar to me...
    I like the way you construct your sentences....

    You proved to me that you are really an english expert..kuning.... :)

  2. yeah , armani is good in writing ! i love your post my dear :) your cute in that shades hehe..
